3D Printed Car Accessories in the Philippines

The production in the automotive industry is quite complex, which makes 3D printed car accessories a choice to car owners who need a better upgrade and full-on customization they can find nowhere else.

Car Accessories for Business

Design and sell bespoke 3D printed car accessories to your patrons. Create and try any design you want through 3D printing. What’s not to love in customized, limited edition accessories.

Car Accessories for End-Users/Consumers

If you need a replacement of a part of your automobile or you want to customize your auto to make it look more like your personality, 3D printing is the answer.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a 3D printed car accessory?

It is a part of a car created through a 3D printer. It is made from plastic 3D printing materials using state-of-the-art equipment for a quality output.

Can you 3D print car parts?

Yes! 3D2Go definitely can 3D print quality car accessories, but that doesn’t include parts that are made through industrial processes or components under load, pressure, or heat. What we can produce are accurate 3D printed replacements for car parts such as cup holders, knobs, clips, and many more.

Why should you 3D print your car accessories?

It is a more hassle-free approach to get a replacement for a part of your car. Also, if you are the type who love to customize their car, 3D printing is for you. It provides quality output that is worth the money.

How long does it take to 3D print a car part?

3D printing a car accessory is a long process as it is not only just printing. We make sure that everything is perfect before printing it. It usually takes about two weeks to get the final output if it is done through 3D modeling, but if you choose to 3D scan the part, it can lessen the process into seven days.

How much do 3D printed car accessories cost?

Here are some of the factors that may affect the price of a 3D printed car accessory:

  • The type of service you require - If you already have a 3D file, you will only pay for the cost of printing, sanding, and painting. If you want an end-to-end 3D services, we will help you from modeling/scanning, prototyping to printing.
  • Method of getting a digital model - For clients who doesn’t have a 3D file yet, you may choose between 3D scanning or 3D designing in getting a digital file of the object to print. You may ask our staff for the price difference.
  • The size of the car part - This is one of the major factors to consider as the price varies according to the size of the object to print.
  • Revision - We allow only up to 3 revisions of the digital file. You will have to pay an additional cost for changes exceeding the allowed number of iterations.

You can talk to one of our sales representatives to get a quote.

3D2Go 3D printed car accessories

Don’t hassle yourself in finding good 3D printing services. 3D2Go is your one-stop shop in everything 3D. We provide an end-to-end service in creating quality 3D printed car accessories at a reasonable price. Contact us today.