Medical 3D Printing Amidst the Pandemic
June 18, 2022
Prosthetics For People With Limb Deficiency
June 18, 2022Prosthetic industry maximizes the practical application of 3D printing.
In the United States alone, there are 185,000 amputations each year. Traditional prosthetic costs approximately $2,000 to $50,000 and it can only last for 3-5 years.
People recognize the practical application of 3D printed prosthetics.
- For one, it is more affordable and consumer-friendly versus the usual prosthetics that roughly costs thousands.
- These 3D prosthetics can be well-adjusted with the wearer.
- 3D designers can customize it according to the customer’s specifications providing flexibility and precision control.
While 3D printed prosthetics sounded more like a promising business, it became shifted more towards becoming a movement. Such case is the story of e-NABLE. This organization became a haven for worldwide volunteers with 3D printers and designers. They provide 3D printed hands and fingers for free. To people who need upper limb assistive devices across the world. This shortened the gap, especially for poor people who cannot afford traditional prosthetics.
While in the Philippines, 2 million people are in need of prosthetics and orthotics. Adding to that is the lack of trained experts in the country. They can only treat 400 patients a year. This solves the problem via 3D printing.
In 3D2GO, the leading 3D printer in the country provides 3D scanning and printing. A digital image can be made in less than an hour by our latest 3D scanner. The prosthetic design can be customized according to the user’s specifications. This shortens the rigorous process of creating traditional prosthetics. Plus it lessens the hassle of adjustments over and over.
Bridging the World with a 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand
According to WHO, at least 35 million people need prosthetics and orthotics around the world. 9 out of 10 of those cannot afford it, lack of awareness or unavailability. This made 3D printing a viable option.
Additive manufacturing is ever-changing. Proof of that is tons of research comes forward to use durable materials to print such kinds of prosthetics. Titanium is the top option as it is hypoallergenic and medical practitioners recommend this for prosthetic use.
Adding to that, 3D printing is the perfect medium for innovations in prosthetic application. One notable among those is Alishba Imran. She wants to 3D print a prosthetic limb with more precise control, grasp, grip and at much lower price.
Why 3D Prosthetic are Great for Kids
Missing limbs or even a finger is a sure fire way to lose confidence, especially for kids. Most cases of missing limbs among children are due to birth defects. This would be critical in their growing years. As kids with such conditions often shy away from socializing.
In 3D2GO, parents and their kids can directly collaborate with the company’s designers. This can be done with the duly advice of a prosthetist or orthotist.
In addition, kids can pick or create their own design. Something that suits their personality and they can take pride in wearing them. Giving them a confidence boost that having imperfections is not a bad thing or permanent.
This also makes them enjoy their daily routine. It is also cost effective. As they grow older, replacement would not be an issue and it can be adjusted.
3D Printing in the Prosthetic Field
3D printing is a great innovation in the prosthetic industry. 3D printing makes it easier for people with limb loss better access to prosthetics. Designers and 3D engineers worldwide are refining designs. Making the landscape ever changing.
Currently, major applications in 3D printed prosthetics include:
- Arms & Hands – These are wrist-actuated and elbow-actuated. These mechanical arms and hands are easy to print. In 3D2GO, our 3D designers can customize it based on the customer’s specifications. Our top-of-the-line 3D printers can print it without a hassle. Using durable materials that would last longer.
- Legs & Feet – there are a lot of open source 3D files that anyone can edit to suit their needs. But, the challenge of this is the lack of sturdy materials to 3D print such designs. Commercially available plastics are not suited to support body weight. Good thing is, as new 3D printers and technologies are introduced, even titanium can be used for this specific prosthetic.
Restore Your Confidence with 3D2GO
Open source 3D designs enable anyone to re-imagine the things they lost and print their own prosthetic limbs. It paves the way for normal people to gain access to extraordinary and often costly medical devices such as a prosthetic limb.
That’s why at 3D2GO, we offer a wide range of prosthetic design and printing services. We can help you to design your personalized prosthetic hands or fingers to 3D printing them.
Contact us now and we will give you a helping hand!